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1. 5.33pm Land Acknowledgement - Ian
Before we get started, we would like to take a moment to reflect on and acknowledge that we are gathered here today on the ancestral, traditional, and occupied lands of Indigenous Peoples including the Akimel O’odham People. This acknowledgment is a small gesture of recognition and respect. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today.
2. 5:35pm Check-in - Gabe
3. 5:40pm Admin - Gabe
a. Attendance (Ian, Gabe, Richard, Karen, Domenico)
b. Duration (1.5 hour goal)
c. Minutes (Approved)
d. Information & Announcements:
e. Next meeting - 3/2/2021 5:30pm
f. Agenda confirmation/changes
4. 5:45 Individual updates from each Subcommittee – Coordinators for Each Committee
5. 5:55 Visioning Session Recap - Group