Start time: 5:15 p.m.
Attendance - Karen, Domenico, Jeff
Duration: 1 hour
- Shopify - Jeff is impressed with it and the integrations and highly recommended
- Pricing comparisons - we will get that done by next meeting
- Insurance - FLIP insurance recommended by Jeff is what Farmer's Market sellers use. We will compare it with FLIP.
- Ask Gabe if we can get the County to come out and do the inspection
- Test Order - Domenico is ready to test out the space. Test order this weekend for next week.
- Warehouse Space - Jeff has washing stations and tents we can borrow. We should get additionally insured under Sun Produce.
- Ideas for Buyer's Club:
- USDA Value Added Distributor Grant
- Open the Warehouse for a couple hours when we do the Buyer's Club pickups so people can "shop"