Start time: 5:15 p.m.
Attendance - Domenico, Karen
Duration: 1 hour
- Pricing spreadsheet review
- Use time as a working session
- Share out with core group (finance specifically)
- Shopify review and next steps (got approved at 4/13 core group meeting)
- Review web committee aims and domains
- Cleaning buyer's club space
- What needs to be cleaned and when?
- On hold until next meeting - waiting for them to put in bathroom
- Curtain hanging from ceiling and then hang curtain-type banner thing from that to visually section off the pickup space
- Buyer's club summer plans
- Do we want to go on hold for the summer?
- We will need help - Karen and Domenico have meetings and vacation and will not want to get up early every Friday morning
- Solution: Switch to Shopify first, then put out a call for assistance
- Two types of tasks: online (order setup and management) and offline (order fulfillment)
- Do we want to switch to every other week?
- Pricing
- Begin to discuss pricing structure options
- We will make decisions based on research and pricing models and community input.